6 Adet Ağa Han Mimarlık Ödülleri Kataloğu

Çağdaş Mimarlık Dergisi 13, Ağa Han Mimarlık Ödülleri

Prix Aga Khan d'Architecture
Lectures de la ville africaine contemporaine
173 Sayfa, 30 x 21 cm

The Aga Khan Award for Architecture
Development and Urban Metamorphosis - Volume I Yemen at the Crossroads, 106 Sayfa, 30 x 21 cm

The Aga Khan Award for Architecture
Editör: Dr. Ahmet Evin-Darl Rastorfer

Prix Aga Khan d'Architecture
Transformations de l'habitat rural - Volume II Paramétres, 85 Sayfa, 30 x 21 cm